Crew Dragon

Informace o vývoji a změnách na poli nosičů a kosmických lodí firmy SpaceX
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Re: Crew Dragon

Příspěvek od Amper »

nevim, tak nejak me prijde bezne revidovat design pred tim nez to je hotove :-) Ale asi je to jen (pro me) divne pojmenovani
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Re: Crew Dragon

Příspěvek od Pospíšil »

Zdrojový dokument k termínovému plánu od Jirky Hoška : ... sess=15903
Plán je to sice z 1.9.2017, nicméně byl stále platný a prezentovaný i na zasedání NAC dne 29.11.

Dva slajdy, týkající se CCP - Crew Dragona:


"Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis of man's desire to understand." Neil Armstrong
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Re: Crew Dragon

Příspěvek od Pospíšil »

Pospíšil píše:
Amper píše:DCR az po dvou letech ? To je nejak divne nebo uz pocitaj s tim ze ty terminy letu nedaj ?
DCR Dragona (Design Critical Review) je v plánu ...
Musím se opravit ...
DCR je Design Certification Review. Což dává větší smysl, že budou design certifikovat až po prvním demo letu.

Critical Design Review má podobnou zkratku - CDR, se kterou jsem to nechtě zaměnil. :oops:

"Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis of man's desire to understand." Neil Armstrong
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Registrován: 22.7.2012 19:00
Re: Crew Dragon

Příspěvek od Pospíšil »

Ještě přidám anglický přepis audiozáznamu ze zasedání NAC (NASA Advisory Committee), ke kterému je prezentace postnutá výše. Jen ta část, týkající se Crew Dragona. Bohužel nemám čas to překládat do češtiny, sorry.

Okay, so again, a lot of DDT&E work going on. The Demo-1 capsule integration and mate is complete. They've gone through and implemented several schedule efficiencies and so they're planning for the Demo-1 schedule. They've done a lot of work, part of the feedback on one of the earlier reviews, from the NASA team and the crew team (we have a joint test team that includes the crew), they had a concern about the maturation of the crew displays, and sort of the overall crew displays, and the interaction with the crew themselves, so we asked that this get upped in priority and they've made a lot of progress in that area over the last quarter, I would say. They also have completed parachute drop tests.

Unknown Speaker: Can you give us any more details on that if you can? I understand how sensitive some of this stuff is. How mature were they? Did they have a basic set of displays and just needed feedback on them, or were displays even ready? And if you can't talk about it, that's okay.

Lisa Colloredo: Well, a few months ago, I would say they weren't ready and it was more conceptual, with powerpoint pictures, kinda with images. So that was part of the feedback from the review, and we've since seen a lot more software development, actual screen displays, how they work together, things like that. So they work closely with our crew office, and have taken a lot of the feedback from the crew office when they go in and do their testing, we have office hours out there and many opportunities to interact with their trainers and simulations, so I guess I would leave it with that they've made a lot of progress in this area. It was pretty worrisome, the schedule that was ahead of them, probably five, six months ago. I would say it's a lot less worrisome now. Still have a long way to go, but.

Unknown Speaker: And early on, there was a lot of discussion about what kind of content needed to be in those displays, and I can see where there might have been some disagreement in those areas. There always is. But it sounds like everybody is converging to get what the crew office needs displayed.

Lisa Colloredo: Yeah, and it was a good thing, you know, way back when, we formulated, I called this a joint test team, which has really been valuable. And this kind of work, it's sort of a, we work hand in hand. Our crew with their crew, to really work most of these tests, almost [?]. And we have a good process where, sometimes as you say, it could be a little [cut audio], but you know, it all goes through a core group of the JTT, and it becomes the NASA CCP position and not an individual crew member, so it's actually been working very well.

So we started also the hardware in the loop testing. As well as the Falcon 9, the Merlin engines are going through qual testing. Doing some..., Block 5's Critical Design Reviews are in work. We have considerable work left on COPV 2.0 as the baseline for crew, we have a lot of progress that they've made, and that they continue needing to make in that area.

As far as the ground systems, the lightning tower work's complete. And the Crew Access Arm and white room are going to be installed sometime in the spring, as it's planned. Last time you heard that they did kind of a ground-based, where the crew went through the access arm and did a [?] demo. In the springtime they plan to put it up and install it on the pad.

And the cert products, on both, I didn't have it on the other page, but they've really made a lot of progress on developing and managing the burn down of requirements, hazards, those kinds of things. We actually have started to see a lot of the closures coming in on both the ISS 50808 requirements, and our commercial crew 1130 requirements. It really looks like a mountain sometimes, but it's starting to come in and we're starting to see closures of the requirements which is good.

For production on the SpaceX side, we have three Dragon crew modules in production. For Demo-1, -2, and Crew-1, which is the first Post, PCM mission. You can see sort of the various states of them on the right hand side in the pictures. And they also have the in-flight abort trunks in production. And ops training. So we have completed the first Demo-1 sim with them, and also launch ops are continuing observations from 39A. We have a team that goes out and is participating in the SpaceX launches down at 39A to understand their procedures, their operations, how they work, what needs to be done prior to our crewed launches. How we get there. So we have a team that is out there and observing all along the way and learning and understanding the process, how they load and how the procedures work. So that's been helpful as well. And I mentioned the Dragon rescue training exercise in the open water. That included, it was a huge integration, it was actually really interesting to see, you know we had the Coast Guard, the Coast Guard ship out there, the C-17s, the PJs jumping. We actually took advantage of the time we had the trainer in the water to do some additional crew egress training with suits on with our crews, the NASA crews. So big success there in that area as well. And the Buck is another one of their training vehicles. The Buck vehicle, it's called the Buck, but it's actually the trainer, and we're actually making a lot of progress on that Buck trainer as well.

Unknown Speaker: It sounds like you're doing a lot of work with hardware and ground testing. How about training of the ops team to handle things that they might not have done before? Like the one that comes to my mind is calling the abort on an ascent. I mean, that takes... between now and the first launch, if they haven't started, I'm skeptical they have time to really prepare a team to make real-time abort calls. I just wondered if that's scheduled.

Lisa Colloredo: We have started doing that in earnest, I would say in the last five or six months on the NASA side, too. Steve Stich, along with our mission management and integration group, has really spent a lot of time basically understanding the Boeing and SpaceX strategy for handling launches and MMTs and how we work with station. And we've had several iterations within the group on the NASA role and MMT and how that works with station's IMMT, that sort of thing, and how it works with both Boeing and SpaceX. So yes, there's a lot of preliminary work in that. And also some simulations, we've just starting having some sims.

Unknown Speaker: But you have started having sims? Because that's when people will realize that there might be an issue. Or how complicated it is.

Lisa Colloredo: Absolutely. Yes, we actually have started the simulations.

"Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis of man's desire to understand." Neil Armstrong
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Re: Crew Dragon

Příspěvek od Pospíšil »

Jedna drobná zákulisní aktualita k CD Demo 1 - momentálně probíhá akceptační testování palivových nádrží a mechanismu dokovacího systému. Probíhá montáž dvou zařízení pro další padákové testy.

"Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis of man's desire to understand." Neil Armstrong
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Re: Crew Dragon

Příspěvek od Amper »

Pospíšil píše:Probíhá montáž dvou zařízení pro další padákové testy.
Muzu se zeptat co tim chce basnik rici ? Jako ze dvou zarizeni do jedne kabiny nebo dvou mockupu kabiny pro padakove testy abych jich udelali vic nebo neco uplne jineho ?
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Registrován: 22.7.2012 19:00
Re: Crew Dragon

Příspěvek od Pospíšil »

Amper píše:
Pospíšil píše:Probíhá montáž dvou zařízení pro další padákové testy.
Muzu se zeptat co tim chce basnik rici ? Jako ze dvou zarizeni do jedne kabiny nebo dvou mockupu kabiny pro padakove testy abych jich udelali vic nebo neco uplne jineho ?
Originální anglické slovo "vehicle" lze do češtiny přeložit několika způsoby. Odpovídá slovům vozidlo, dopravní prostředek a podobně, ale asi cítíme, že to v této souvislost není optimální překlad.
Může to být maketa kabiny, ale také nemusí. Padákový test může proběhnout jen s hmotnostním simulátorem nějakého tvaru, atd. Proto jsem zvolil obecný pojem "zařízení".

Ohledně počtu dvou kusů - mělo by se zřejmě jednat o dva plnohodnotné redundantní kusy, které umožní rychlé dokončení zbývajících padákových testů podle certifikačních kritérií i v případě, že by jeden test nedopadl dobře a "vehicle" by byl při přistání vážně poškozen. V takovém případě by bylo možné v testech velmi rychle pokračovat s dalším testovacím kusem/zařízením. SpaceX tlačí čas, musí být připraveni na všechny eventuality a bez prodlení dokončovat kritické testovací a kvalifikační milníky z programové fáze CCtCap.

Jelikož mají za sebou už 8 padákových testů, dá se předpokládat, že jim zbývá jen několik posledních shozů do dokončení certifikace padákového systému. Takže ano, těmi dvěmi "vehicles" budou velmi pravděpodobně relativně věrné makety kabiny Crew Dragon. Ale nemám to jak ověřit, proto jsem byl v překladu opatrnější.

"Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis of man's desire to understand." Neil Armstrong
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Registrován: 22.7.2012 19:00
Re: Crew Dragon

Příspěvek od Pospíšil »

SpaceX si od USAF nedávno pronajala bývalou budovu pro přípravu satelitů v oblasti 59 na CCAFS.
Poslední využití těchto prostor bylo v roce 2016 pro předstartovní přípravu GPS satelitů.
SpX tam hodlá uskladňovat a připravovat lodě Crew Dragon před jejich lety na ISS. ... 982606001/

Měla by to být jedna z budov na tomto snímku


"Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis of man's desire to understand." Neil Armstrong
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Re: Crew Dragon

Příspěvek od slappy »

Tak to vypadá, že první lety Crew Dragonu se posunuly, a tak se do čela závodu o americkou vlajku zanechanou na ISS poslední posádkou raketoplánu dostává Boeing.

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Re: Crew Dragon

Příspěvek od marian007 »

Takže prvý nepilotovaný let Crew Dragonu sa posunul na august 2018 a pilotovaný až na december. Hmm, to je dosť, navyš SpaceX to podľa článku odmietla akokolvek komentovať. :Drbe se na hlavě:


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